Friday, January 07, 2011

Brown: Browsing Nirvana

For quite some time now I've wanted some way to just go to the next site I want to see with the touch of a single button without having to even think what that site might be. Some people find RSS feeds just fine for this, but I might want to look at a busy site infrequently, or see a slow-paced site more frequently some times.

As a compromise I've been using a Google AppEngine service called NextPage. It's okay, but it means sending your request to somebody else's server, slowing things down and giving somebody else access to your browsing history.

But after having a look at developing Google Chrome plugins I've finally been able to put together the browser plugin I've always wanted. I just enter a list of URLs and desired frequencies like once a week or 72 hours. Then by pressing just Ctrl-Y the plugin takes me to the next page in order of scheduled viewing time. For me, at least, it's Browsing Nirvana.

It's still very rough in terms of presentation. I may get around to cleaning it up a bit an making it directly available to Chrome users.

(Edit: link now via Google Docs)
