Clinging to Reality
Thoughts about I.T., Science, and Human Nature.
Wednesday, March 21, 2007
Monday, March 19, 2007
Thursday, March 08, 2007
Mercurial Rising
I've been spending some more time tyre kicking with Git and Mercurial. Git looks difficult to convince others to use due to the lack of support for Windows. I've eventually come to the decision to start using Mercurial. The last thing that had been holding me back was the notion that using clone to branch seems like a dumb idea. Lots of repository directories (even if symlinked) will likely get confusing and awkward. I can see it causing havoc in a corporate setting.
Then I found out about "named branches". This feature has arrived with little fanfare, and allows for multiple branches in the same repo. You just need to be past version 0.9.1 that is the current default for Ubuntu.
So that's it for now... Mecurial it is. Time to focus on learning how to make it shine.
Labels: mercurial scm branches